Tagged: Certified software developers

7 Reasons Why Model Driven Development is Great

The roundtrip engineering concept is used by many organizations to easily change the model, along with the code generated from the specific model. As an effective alternative to roundtrip engineering, model driven development is being used nowadays by a large number of software development companies. As the software development model is much more abstract than the code generated from it, the developers can easily track the changes made to the coding by using customized automation tools. So an organization can adopt model driven software development (MDSD) to avail several benefits.

Seven Key Benefits of Model Driven Software Development

custom software development, software development services, Certified software developers1) Enhanced Flexibility: The additional flexibility provided by MDSD helps businesses in beating competition by efficiently adopting and responding to changes. For instance, often organizations find it a daunting challenge to migrate from conventional technologies to a new technology smoothly. Often code written using conventional technologies cannot be reused in the new environment. The MDSD approach enables enterprises to reuse the existing code and concepts, while enjoying extreme flexibility in the longer run.

2) Great Extensibility: Each business also has option to choose from a variety of models according to its specific needs. So it can easily pick a model that offers adequate extensibility, while interacting with hand-written code. As the handwritten code often needs to be incorporated into the model, the MDSD facilitates the integration. There are no perfect models to complement all needs of a project. But an organization can easily choose a highly extensible model optimize its productive advantage.

3) Optimizes Model Reusability: The MDSD approach enables developers to focus on the model instead of technologies, while building business applications. For instance, an organization can deploy developers, who are not familiar in Objective-C, to build iPhone or iPad business application according to the most recent Apple development guidelines. The same model, thus, can be reused to build mobile apps for other popular mobile platforms like Android and Windows 8. The emphasis on what, instead of how will get higher productive advantages within a short span of time.

4) Reduced Dependency on Highly Technical Resources: The frequent changes in customer demand have made it essential for enterprises to hire highly skilled software developers. Most companies, nowadays, look for professionals who have experience and expertise in several technologies like HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, AJAX, SOAP, database connection pooling, application security and transaction management. But these people often do not understand the business processes and operations exactly. The MDSD approach requires enterprises to hire professionals who understand business, instead of investing in highly technical resources.

5) Create Innovative and Powerful Tools: Nowadays, most organizations use customized software application to effectuate the operations and enhance productivity. But often enterprises ignore the significance of creating customized business software applications by using software. The MDSD approach emphasizes on creating software using software to get enhanced efficiency, efficacy and productivity. Thus, the organizations adopting this innovative concept will create more efficient tools by using the existing technologies.

6) Deliver Effective Business Solutions Rapidly: Each enterprise has to deliver business solution as early as possible to beat competition. The MDSD approach helps organization is creating business solutions in a quicker and efficient way. At the same time, they are not required to explain the concept to the customers and end-users. But the approach enables them to retain the customer over a longer period of time by providing extremely flexible business solutions. As the business knowledge is already used to develop models, it become easier to deliver solutions that complement the exact needs of the client.

7) Easy to Embrace New Technologies: Each software development firm has to build solutions using the best technology ay a specific time. But the constant focus on the technological changes may affect the focus on business model. The MDSD approach requires enterprises to focus on the model of their business, instead of the frequently changing trends in technology. Further, the implicit documentation provided by the MDSD prevents the set of documents from becoming outdated after some time.

Many consultants even recommend organizations to identify and address some of the common issues related to model driven development. But the approach will help enterprises in reducing dependence on skilled manpower and highly technical resources. At the same time, model driven software development approach will help organizations in delivering rapid business solutions, without investing any additional funds. Custom software development companies can help you leverage the power of Bigdata for your enterprise.

We provide software development services. If you would like to talk to one of our certified software developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.

Is BigData for Small and Medium Businesses?

Companies need real time information, information which can be good enough for them to come up with customised services for their customers, or else they loose appeal in the market. It is thus important for businesses to gather as well as analyse, even manage information related to customers, both internal and external. This would also include knowing about the suppliers as well as the partners too, or else how would a company expand in the large ocean of the business world? Monitoring of the company’s performance too is important on a periodical basis, which brings in real time feedback on the services or products doled out. This would mean finding means to bring down costs for the company and here is where big data adds a lot of value to small and medium enterprises. Information thus gathered would be easily accessible and can be used frequently as well.

The Real benefits

custom software development, software development services, Certified software developersData analysis along with management is important. It holds high value for any business in this day. This is because customers want to be treated on a personal note, and such tactics would allow companies to accomplish that. With the help of big data platforms or systems, SMEs can now do the following:

  • Collection of information
  • Storage
  • Management
  • Analysis of any amount of available information
  • Bringing down operational costs
  • Remain Competitive
  • Expansion into more territories

How it worked back then

In the days gone by, SMEs didn’t bank on big data systems or technological platforms, since they didn’t feel that large volumes of info would be of any help. However, as time passed by, companies were faced with the challenge of realizing the true needs of a customer or consumer, and hence started investing in expert advice as well as technologies related to large data to achieve the same. In the beginning, when such investments were done, it was expensive; however, with newer as well as innovative ways to play safe, technological developments have made it cheaper to use big data platforms or services.

In the past, there were issues when it came to harnessing and solving the large volumes of data that came in. This is because there were plenty of inaccuracies, traditional collection methods were of no use, and managing it all was a chore. In addition to that, companies never knew how to use the given data, especially for managerial purposes. With this hampering the status of the company’s mission on profit making, big data thus was churned to help with transactional, structured and unstructured data. It helped in a number of studies like consumer behaviour along with the services and products status in the market.

With this in place, small companies and SMEs better understood

  • Their stance in the markets
  • The demands for their goods or services
  • How it could improve on its offerings
  • How it could make larger appeals to customers worldwide
  • The ways in which cost effective methods can be used for production and operational needs
  • How it could manage a venture without hitches or glitches
  • How it could manage networking as well as business relationships with clients
  • The ways in which loyalty from consumers can be maintained
  • How it could make large profits

The scene now

With big data in place, SMEs now understand how important it is to identity in hand what the company needs when hiring such systems or platforms. Companies can use data frameworks as multiple options, for service support reasons especially. However, companies should do their homework to know if big data would help the company make more profits in future or not. The versatility of the system and platform too should be checked, since in most cases there are no complexities and it isn’t bulky.

With large data platforms in place, firms can compare what customers talk about or want. Companies now can decide on which demographics to target, how to maximise their promotional activities as well as the results their efforts would reap. Apart from this, companies can also focus on performance improvement, supplier related knowledge along with sales growth, especially for companies that indulge in B2B services. Custom software development teams can help you leverage the power of Bigdata for your enterprise.

We provide software development services. If you would like to talk to one of our certified software developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.