Tagged: Hire javascript programmers

Choosing JavaScript Charting Library – Few Factors to Take into Account

Chart is one of the oldest form of displaying data or information on the paper or web page. This is extremely helpful in many cases where we need to represent various figures in graphical way. It lessen the effort of the writer to a large extend. For a web developer, the charting library is always works like a charm. Though there are a variety of charting tools developed in JavaScript, it is the responsibility of the web developer to select the best one for his application. Let us discuss what are the important factors that we should consider before we choose a charting library?

JavaScript web development, JavaScript development, JavaScript Ajax programmerInput Data format: Well, charts can’t be developed without figures or data. These data are known as input data. While dealing with JavaScript charting library, we must consider the format of input data it requires for displaying on the web page. There are many formats that can be imported for the purpose like csv, JSON or XML etc. The best option is JSON; because it is easier to access and it is highly flexible. So choose a JS library that takes JSON file for importing the input data.

Cross Platform compatibility: In this new era, there are a hundreds of different devices that are being used for browsing purpose. Smart phones and tablets are being used extensively by the users. So, it is the responsibility of the web developer to choose the right and appropriate JavaScript library so that it can be compatible with all platforms. It should enable the JavaScript developer to handle with multiple platforms for displaying the chart without any hassle.

Customization options: Yes, this is yet another factor to be considered while choosing the best charting tool for your application. Many chart libraries have a lot of features to customize; but that comes at a cost of memory. So, if you are not going to use these features in your application then why you choose that tool. It will unnecessarily put burden on the application. So, choose the right tool for your application that will not only fulfil all your needs but also prevent unnecessary load on the application.

Look n Feel: Many times, we find certain theme or background to be suitable for our website. Similarly, certain libraries can provide you better look and feel to your application. Look and feel matters a lot from the user’s point of view. So, we can’t ignore its importance at any cost. So we must choose appropriate JavaScript library for our application.

Performance: As a smart web developer or may be front end JavaScript developer, you must be cautious for the performance of the web application. Sometimes, we find some libraries making the overall system not only slower but also inefficient. So, we should avoid these types of unreliable and un-optimized tools in our application.

Support: Last but the most important factor i.e. Support. We must think twice before we choose a library that has no or bad support reputation. A JavaScript web developer must select a tool that is highly reliable with 24×7 support service. This would help you leverage the benefits of JavaScript web development.

We provide JavaScript development services. If you would like to discuss with a certified JavaScript Ajax programmer from our team, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.

Why Is JavaScript a Misunderstood Programming Language?

Java Script- Is a web library or language? Many times we find this query on internet. Developers usually have a perception about JavaScript that it is a web library but the fact is different. JavaScript is a fully fledged langJavaScript programming, JavaScript development, JavaScript Ajax programmeruage!! We will discuss about this in latter section of this topic. But, for the time being we have to admit the importance of JavaScript in web development because, it is next to impossible for a web developer to develop enterprise standard dynamic web application without the help of JavaScript. JavaScript is extremely useful in developing interactive and dynamic web applications which are the key success factor the modern web application.

Importance of JavaScript in front end web development: Without JavaScript, the web page is like a dead page; because, we can’t see any dynamic effects or attractive visual effects on the web page. For a Dynamic web page, we must implement JavaScript in our web application. Moreover with the changing environment, it is really has a tremendous impact on the web industry while building web applications for the future ready devices like smart phones and tablets. JavaScript developers help the web page to come alive with its eye catching stupendous effects that will definitely enhance the user experience.

Why JavaScript is more known as a frontend tool: Web developers can’t think about dynamic web page development without JavaScript. From this, we can understand the priority of JavaScript in the industry. Well, there are hundreds of JavaScript libraries that can be used by the JavaScript developers for different interactive visual effects on the web page. Moreover, web developer understands the power of JavaScript for fast web application. Yes!! JavaScript is superfast. The run time of JavaScript is just lightening fast and hence, it has more priority on front end web development; because, the end user experience of any application decides the fate of any application. So, web developers take the advantage of speed of JavaScript while developing frontend user interface.

Moreover, there are many free JavaScript modules available in the web that can be integrated to your web application to give a new look and feel to the website. Many plugins are there which can definitely help the web developers in developing quick web application with same efficiency as expected.

Does it have the potential that of a fully fledged language: Well, JavaScript has popularity of being a front end language or tool. But, it is a fully fledged language just like C, C++, Java or .Net!! It can do all tasks what C++ or Java can do!! Moreover, you can develop an entire website using JavaScript!!! There are many modern frameworks which are developed in JavaScript are fully loaded to support all types of web services that may required during web application development.

So, You can do backend programming with JavaScript: JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS, nodeJS etc encourages the web developers or JavaScript developers to build enterprise standard web applications without any need of backend programming language like Java, .Net or PHP etc. All these frameworks have the potential to write and build backend development using just JavaScript only!! Moreover, these JavaScript frameworks are gaining a stupendous popularity in recent period due to much faster web application produced from them because, user demands fast web application for their smart phone and tablets. So, we can see a bright future of JavaScript as a fully fledged language in the industry. This would help you leverage the benefits of JavaScript programming.

We provide JavaScript development services. If you would like to discuss with a certified JavaScript Ajax programmer from our team, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.

An Introduction to AngularJS

AngularJS can be described as a widely used, open source, structured JavaScript framework that is maintained by Google. Along with being written in JavaScript, the library is also distributed as a JavaScript file. So the web programmers can simply use the <script> tag to add AngularJS to any web page.

JavaScript programming, JavaScript development, JavaScript Ajax programmerAt the same time, they also have option to use the framework with a wide range of technologies. Further, it handles JavaScript code automatically according to the type and version of the web browser. That is why; AngularJS makes it easier for developers to create rich internet applications compatible across different web browsers.

Important AngularJS Features to Create Awesome Web Applications

Modules: The developers can use AngularJS modules to divide the web application into small and functional components. The components can be reused and integrated with other internet apps. Each module needs to have a unique name. The developers can define a variety of components inside the module including controllers, filters, directives and services.

Directives: The programmers also have option to extend the HTML vocabulary by using AngularJS directives. Along with adding new behavior to HTML elements, the directives can also be used to manipulate their attributes. The developers can further create custom directives, along with using ng-model, ng-controller, ng-repeat, ng-app and other built-in directives.

Model, View and Controller (MVC): Despite being a MVC web development framework, AngularJS supports the development paradigm in an innovative way. As plan JavaScript objects, models represent the data used by the web application. The controller contains the business logic for the view, and hence controls the application’s behavior. On the other hand, view displays and presents the model data to end users. Thus, the framework simplifies development of large and complex applications by allowing programmers to keep the business logic and presentation separate.

Templates: Despite being plain HTML, the AngularJS templates contain specific attributes and elements. For instance, developers can define filters, form controls, directive, angular markup and similar angular elements and attributes in the Angular templates. These templates can be further used to display information from the view and controller.

Scope: As an object, scope acts as glue between view and controller, while referring to the application model. The scopes follow the AngularJS application’s DOM structure, while being hierarchical in nature. However, each AngularJS application can have a single scope ($rootscope) that needs to be mapped to the ng-app directive element. Scope is used frequently by web developers as a context to evaluate expressions.

Validations: AngularJS enables developers to create interactive and responsive HTML5 forms by using validations. It allows programmers to use a number of built-in validation directives. The validation directives are designed based on HTML5 form validators, and can be used to validate forms efficiently. The programmers can further create custom validation directives.

Filters: Before displaying the data to the end-users, the application needs to format the data. AngularJS filters are used to format the data before being displayed to users. The framework allows developers to create custom filters, along with using a set of built-in filers like date, number, currency, lowercase, uppercase and orderby.

Services: AngularJS services can be defined as singleton objects that can be used by programmers to organize, share and reuse code across the web app. The services can be injected into filters, directives and controls. The framework provides a set of built-in services like $http, $window, $parse, $provide, and $resource, while allowing programmers to create custom services.

As it is a JavaScript framework, AngularJS lacks the server side authentication and validation features. So it cannot be used individually to create secure internet applications. Further, the code written in AngularJS will become ineffective if the user disable JavaScript. This would help you leverage the benefits of JavaScript programming.

We provide JavaScript development services. If you would like to discuss with a certified JavaScript Ajax programmer from our team, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.

JSON – What Do We Know About It?

JavaScript development, JavaScript application development, hire JavaScript programmersJSON, or Java Script Object Notation, JSON can be defined as a data interchanging format that is lightweight and is easily readable as well. Besides, it is also easy for machines to generate as well as parse JSON. It is based on JavaScript object notation. Therefore, does not need JavaScript to read or write as it comes up in a text format, which is independent of the language.

JSON comes up with the following fundamental elements:

1) Objects: – These start as well as end with braces ({})

2) Object Members: – They consist of values along with strings, which are separated from each other by a colon (:). Members, however, are separated by commas.

3) Arrays: They start as well as end with braces. Each of them contains a certain value, which are separated from each other by commas.

4) Values: Values can be strings, numbers, objects, an array, or literals like true, false, or null.

5) Strings: They are surrounded by double quotes and also come up with Unicode characters as well as common backslash escapes.

So, to put things simply, JSON can be defined as a way in which information can be stored in a streamlined and organized manner so that they can be accessed effortlessly if and when required. In short, Java Script Object Notation facilitates collection of human-readable data that can be accessed in a logical manner.

The salient features of JSON:

Clean Data: The last few years have seen a meteoric rise of Object Oriented Programming in terms of popularity, and a lot of words have already been written describing the benefit of these object oriented programming languages (OOPS). When it comes to using JSON objects, it clearly means that you are able to maintain a strict and standardized structure of the data you are using. The application that receives JSON data knows all the technical nitty-gritty of expectations and way of receiving and utilizing the data. This is very much different from HTML in terms of ways of using. Having an established structure in place will also help the developers in providing various sound and comprehensive cross browser solutions. These solutions are really effective when it comes to various tablets or mobile devices.

Efficiency: In case you are using AJAX for populating any HTML list, you can have an idea about the structure of the HTML structure. While JSON objects are used, it is possible to construct as well as clone the HTML list on the client side. In that case, the only thing that needs to done is changing the information from the server side to the client side. With the development of fast internet connectivity, this optimization makes a huge difference in the usability as well as performance of the web applications.

Scalability: In case the code on the server side is yielding output any standard data format, it becomes much easier to expand or change the application. Re-usability is an extremely important factor, and with all the code on the service code yielding single data structure, it indicates that whatever code is written, it is possible to plug it anywhere it is required.

For example, if the server side code comes up with an HTML list instead of Java Script Object Notation objects. That means, if anyone is looking forward to display the data in an HTML table, it is imperative to re-write the code on the server side as well as on the client side. On the other hand, if the data comes up in the form of structured JSON, all that is needed to be done is changing the way the data will get printed on the screen.

Moreover, JSON is mainly used by a number of languages when there is any need to change the server side language whatever the reason may be. It will be a rather easy transition, mainly because of the standardized structure of JSON, which remains the same across various languages. This would help you leverage the benefits of JavaScript development.

We provide JavaScript application development services. If you would like to hire JavaScript programmers from us, we would be glad to assist you at Mindfire Solutions.

Improve UI performance by these smart JavaScript techniques

JavaScript is an aesthetic language used for web development. There are many special effects in this language that make user experience an improved and memorable one. So one thing should always be kept in central focus by the web developers- improvement of user experience. JavaScript offers many useful and clever ways in which a site may be improved from the perspective of user interface. Here are a few smart Javascript techniques which can help you improve UI performance.

javascript application development, Javascript ajax development, Expert javascript programmers1) insertAdjacentHTML instead of innerHTML- The extremely popular innerHTML has been transformed into a brand new avatar in the form of the optimized and fine grained version called insertAdjacentHTML. Since the position is specified, the element used upon is not re-parsed by this API; in fact extra serialization step is avoided which makes it much faster than the other manipulation. In approaches where the markup has to be appended continuously to a module or page this is very effective. Compared to innerHTML, insertAdjacentHTML is 100% faster.

2) requestAnimationFrame instead of setInterval- As compared to the conventional intervals and times, a more efficient as well as optimized approach is the use of requestAnimationFrame API while building animation based on JavaScript. The timer calculations are offloaded by this API to determine the timing of the upcoming UI/DOM style changes in the browser. It takes away from the responsibility of the developer to decide when the screen needs a repainting. Replacement with requestAnimationFrame will lead to smoother animations as well as saving of battery life in mobile devices if the content is viewed over there.

3) if-else instead of try-catch- Unforeseen runtime related errors and exceptions can be handled efficiently through the mechanism of try-catch. But a performance penalty is imposed by the blocks in JavaScript which is especially the case when used in recursive functions or iterations. On replacing try-catch with if-else conditions, each and every error handling will be taken care of; the resultant code will be much better as well as more efficient.

4. Improving startup performance- Try distinguishing between ‘right after startup’ and ‘startup’ and try to move to using ‘right after startup’ as much as possible. Design the UI in manner that as soon as the data changes it automatically updates. This result in saving of a lot of time and you will not have to wait for a long time so that everything may be ready. Some things are there which cannot be done right after startup; in short you will be able to perceive the startup time. To reduce the loading time you can combine CSS or Cascading Style Sheets. This will be especially perfect if many UI controls are in use. The loading time of almost 50 files can be reduced to near about 25% with the correct code combination. You can also try code minification; the benefits will be code-dependent- like 10-25%. To guarantee great startup one must-have is Lazy loading. To load a code of 10 MB, almost 10 seconds will be needed. But to showcase an initial view 100K is needed, if not more which means a loading time of 1 second. With lazy loading the 9 seconds may be deferred and scattered.

5) JQuery Autotab- It is often remarked that this feature is a must-have for all forms on internet. This may be a small thing but it provides a much better experience to the user when he or she is filling out forms and items, especially if there is the need to fill up things such as social security numbers, etc. If the form has jQuery then autotabs are added by the jQuery Autotab function.

There are so many options in JavaScript that can improve user experiences drastically like sliding top panel, social history, context highlighting web forms, magic zoom, password strength meter, etc. But while using them, in order to make them actually very effective, thoughtful implementation and restraint must be practiced. A perfect balance has to be struck. Use techniques that will actually be applicable as well as relevant; not just for the sake of using it. This would help you leverage the benefits of Javascript application development.

We provide Javascript ajax development services. If you would like to talk to one of our expert Javascript programmers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.